Performance Information:
Performance: Wonderland
Venue: The Wycombe Swan Theatre.
Date: Saturday 21st September 2024.
Time: Performances 2:00pm & 6:00pm.
I confirm that all medical conditions and/or allergies have been declared and the appropriate medication is carried by the child at all times. I agree that teachers and chaperones are allowed to administer first aid to my child and that my child is fit to participate. I confirm that my child is allowed to be photographed and videoed during the performance and their name can be published in all show marketing materials.
We have booked a professional photographer to come to our school and take photos of the pupils. These photographs will be used to update the school’s marketing.
These photographs will be used for the following;
- CSDS website
- CSDS Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram)
- Leaflets, Posters, Flyers, Banners & Programmes.
If you are happy for your child to be photographed for the purpose of the CSDS marketing then please return the signed permission slip below and return to a member of the CSDS Team.
ISTD Exam – School absence Letter
If your child has an ISTD Exam booked on a school day and their school require an absence letter, you can download this official letter from the ISTD exam board .
RAD Exam – School absence Letter
If your child has an RAD Exam booked on a school day and their school require an absence letter, you can download this official letter from the RAD exam board .