Terms and Conditions
Completion of the signed Registration Form enrols the pupil in the school to attend the relevant classes for age/ability. Enrolling your child in Castle Street Dance Studios means you have accepted the Schools Terms and Conditions outlined below;
- Fees
- Payments are due within the first two weeks of term, or on receipt of an invoice if a pupil joins partway through the term.
- Late payments, where reminders are sent, may incur a £10 administration charge, subject to the school’s reasonable discretion.
- If any pupil is withdrawn a minimum of half a term’s notice must be given in writing by the preceding half term holiday, otherwise, a full term’s fees must be paid in lieu along with any exam or other expenses incurred.
- Unfortunately, absences are non-refundable
- Failure to keep up with payments may result in the loss of your child’s place in the school
- Additional Fees
- Examinations: All pupils are entered for examinations when ready, additional fees are payable when being entered into an exam session. As a school, we enter our pupils for exams with the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) and the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Examining boards.
- Shows: Our School Show takes place Biennually at the Wycombe Swan Theatre. Additional fees are payable for show costumes and all students are expected to take to part.
- Summer Schools: We offer Junior & Senior summer schools annually. Summer school is always a fun-filled, action-packed week for all students involved. With lessons in all our usual subjects and a chance to explore other dance styles and disciplines. Summer Schools are optional and participation will incur an additional cost.
- Health & Safety
- Teachers and Chaperones are allowed to deliver First Aid.
- All medical conditions or allergies have been declared to CSDS on your child’s registration form
- Appropriate medication is carried by the child at all times.
- Uniform
- Students must wear the correct uniform to their class (as outlined on our uniform page)
- All girls with long hair from Grade 1 and upwards must wear their hair in a bun to all classes.
- No Jewellery should be worn to classes.
- Watching Classes
- You can watch your child’s first trial classes but once your child is settled and enrolled in their class then please remain outside the room.
- Teachers
- All teachers maintain up-to-date DBS (formerly CRB) certificates and qualifications
- Teachers are not responsible for any loss of property during classes
- Teachers are not responsible for children outside of class times
- Teachers are allowed to use verbal and physical “hands-on” correction.
- Photography
- If you do not wish your child to be photographed during school events please contact us on info@csds.co.uk to opt-out. We will do our best to comply, however, our show is always videoed and photographed and your child will form part of the resulting video and photographs if they take part in the show.
- Online Classes
- We will endeavour to run the course in person however the safety of our staff and students is our top priority. We will always follow the government guidance and if it does not allow an in-person course, then we will deliver the course online via zoom.
- By participating in our online classes you agree that you have enough room and that your floor is fit for purpose. Online class invitations are being sent via email to parent/guardians. You agree that by sharing this link with your child or logging them in online you have accepted responsibility for your child’s welfare.
- I confirm that all medical conditions and or allergies have been declared and that the appropriate medication is carried by the child at all times.
- In the unlikely event that your child causes damage or sustains an injury at home Castle Street Dance Studios would not be liable.
- Important Online Disclaimer
- As with any form of physical exercise, you are taking part at your own risk and should only do those activities that you consider safe for your own body and the space in which you are working. It is important that you understand that any existing conditions you may have that may preclude you from doing any of the suggested exercises presented. If in doubt, please consult a medical expert before participating. Please make sure you have read any instructions, carefully taking note of any advice on age appropriateness or any necessary prior experience.
- It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a suitable and safe area, free of obstacles, in which to participate. We suggest an area of at least 3×3 metres. Make sure the floor surface is suitable to exercise on and that you have footwear appropriate for that surface. If you are holding onto an object for balance, please make sure that it is stable.
- Remember; before you begin – It is vital to warm up before any exercise. If you miss the warmup you will be expected to do a suitable warm-up yourself. It is also the teacher’s choice if they think you are too late to participate in the class.
- If something hurts stop immediately – Exercise should not cause pain or discomfort. Every “body” is different and you should work within your limitations.
- Please take things at your own pace – As this is an online activity, you can stop and start when you need to. You can also modify the exercise to suit you and not push the extremes of your capabilities.
- After class – A cool down after every class is essential to avoid stiffness or injury. The teacher will do a cooldown and you are advised to continue in your own time.